Visit Britain & British Airways
The UK is losing American travelers to more trendy, Instagrammable destinations.
American millennials would rather visit the sunny beaches of Bali and Bora Bora than take a trip across the pond. They don’t think the UK stacks up to other destinations celebrated by the influencers they love. But the truth is, the UK has everything young travelers could hope for - food, music, the outdoors, culture and more — they just don't know it yet.
Solution: British Famous
Who was Benedict Cumberbatch a few years ago? Nobody Cumberbatch, that’s who. Because he was only British Famous. And he’s not alone. For decades, British celebrities have been adored at home but anonymous abroad, until America discovers them and makes them the real kind of famous. And that is precisely Diane Morgan’s plan. So she’s doing things she believes Americans love in the hopes of becoming the next big American thing, all while showcasing the greatest parts of Great Britain.
Diane Morgan is British Famous
Diane Morgan - Action Star
Diane Morgan - Self Help Guru
Diane Morgan - Foodie
Diane Morgan - Rockstar
Diane Morgan - Famous Beer Spokesperson
Diane Morgan - Famous Car Commercial Spokesperson
Diane Morgan - Famous Detergent Spokesperson